Mission & Vision


To Serve Humanity

India is a developing country with the contrast of a growing economy and power, but having poverty , infant mortality and poverty related mortality, one of the highest in the world. Health is a state matter and less than 2% of GDP is spent on health. To make NATION healthy it needs comprehensive Public Private Partnership, to give best of the facilities in public awareness, nutrition, prevention and health care to mother and child, provide basic facilities for all kinds of ailments to people of the country including efficient Nursing Care.

Our Mission is to train the Nurses to their best potential to deal all types of diseases, improve infant and mother care, and awareness for healthy living to all. It is devotion, dedication with gentle touch of love and affection, bring brightness in someone life, is known as a NURSE, which serves humanity.

Care to Give SMILE

World is a beautiful place to live with Nature giving Mountains, Snow Rivers and Tree which no other planet has. Human beings are GOD’s creation to flourish and enjoy this Nature and live to serve each other.

Human history goes back to centuries of developments where survival of the fittest still prevails. World has changed with more and better opportunities with coexistance living but face suffering from many diseases. Thus also developed medical science in all sphere and brought humans into its shelter to give relief. Nurses are the prime movers of care to give relief to the patient and to bring smile on their faces. Medical Services have developed leaps and bounds, and if associated with careful and good Nursing Care recovery is fast, so also the satisfaction of the patient. A patient beside medical or surgical treatment needs Nightingale touch of care and smiling face to console him away from his sufferings. This is the aim to train our Nurses to make them knowledgeable regarding medical science, and to develop their overall personality to give an atmosphere of kindness, and confidence to patient for early recovery. The motherly care and healing touch always alleviate their sufferings and bring happiness to the family. It is a devotion and self sacrifice to serve with wisdom and smile to bring cheers back in patient’s life.

We care to bring smile and happiness in patient’s life.